I have moved! Come see me over here!

“Biimu da!”


By Llora-chan


“There’s… no one?”

So sad to be all alone in the world. (Brownie points if you can guess where that line came from.)

By Llora-chan


“Apparently, Index has committed 103,000 grimoires to memory.”

WoW~ No wonder her name is Index.

By Llora-chan


ShugoCharaDoki537.jpg picture by DoSheGoo




I was watching Allison to Lillia today to try and finish it up since I had only 5 episodes left. Unfortunately, I have to watch it raw. But I can understand more or less of what they’re saying so it’s OK. I also have Random Curiosity to correct me if I thought wrong about something.

Anyways, in episode 22, I took this screenshot of Treize. I thought it looked really cute and I love how his hair looks here.

“The bell’s rung.”

Let’s get this series started.

by Llora-chan




The Next Season of Shugo Chara Yay!

